CTA Resources for Ransomware Campaign


The following content pieces are recommended for use in ransomware campaigns:

  • Awareness: This stage aims to create awareness about Zmanda. The goal is to reach as many people as possible to inform them about the product. The recommended content pieces and web pages for your data protection campaigns targeting enterprise customers are listed below.

Get end-to-end ransomware protection with Zmanda’s backup solution.

  • Decision: In the last stage, potential customers are ready to decide on purchasing Zmanda. The goal is to motivate them to take action and become a customer. The recommended content pieces and web pages for your data protection campaigns targeting enterprise customers are listed below.

The Impact Of Ransomware On Healthcare: A Case Study | Zmanda Blogs

Universities: A New Target for Ransomware | Zmanda

Immutable Backup for AWS and Wasabi Cloud Storage – Zmanda